416-533-0040 ext 230


Unique Case, Unique Client, Unique Family

  • July 30, 2020
  • Kimberly Srivastava

We’ve posted previously about our client Jasmin Simpson and her resolve to change the Canada Student Loan Program (CSLP) for the better (link). Jasmin’s fight to improve the CSLP for students with severe disabilities has been ongoing for more than a decade. Jasmin is arguing that students who take longer to complete their programs because of disability-related reasons, incur greater debt than their non-disabled peers and that this additional debt is discriminatory.

The case is in the final stages of being heard by the Court and we excitedly await a decision. Jasmin is a formidable client who has never shied away from the big issues she’s raised in her case. She proudly shares this story about her family and upbringing in a family with 30 children (link).

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